Patient Insight Exposure

A particularly interesting area uncovered in our interviews was around the brick wall put up between patient organisations and commercial teams within industry. We know this has its roots in creating a very clear dividing line in terms of reducing any risk of brand promotion to public, perceived or otherwise. However, in our discussions it became clear that this was potentially doing a disservice to the patients these medicines are ultimately for.

Good Partnerships

Consider whether there is greater opportunity to expose commercial teams and sales teams to more patient insight and experience. The vast majority of this exposure comes from the HCPs they interact with – is that enough to truly understand the patient experience?

Stellar Partnerships

Consider the sensitivity around contact between patient organisations and commercial teams, alongside a recognition of the amount that could be learnt from talking to patient organisations combined with the fact that the ABPI code doesn’t ban contact. They, therefore, also consider reducing existing barriers to allow contact, with clear checks and balances in place to ensure appropriate communication and engagement

“I do think there’s a disconnect between who in industry can interact with patient groups and who can’t. I think something gets lost by not being able to speak to patients openly.

You know, to develop real insights into what the needs of patients are.”

Debra Montague

Founder and Chairwoman, ALK Positive UK

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